Wednesday, June 28, 2006

There's a Michael W. Smith song about this....

I just got back from my weekend in Indiana, and it was an absolutely lovely time. I'm so lucky to have had such a wonderful university experience and to have such good friends. We had so many happy memories to reminicse about and so many "what's going on in your life?" things to catch up with. The three days flew by - and included millions of words, a garage sale, church, The Lake House (STUPID MOVIE), a very sad Australia / Italy world cup match (I nearly cried) and much more. It was quite sad to have to say "see you later" and come back to Toronto. Made worse by the fact that I had to work last night once I got back. (I split the 10 hour drive into 3/7 by staying at Jamie's in Fort Wayne).

Anyway. I'll put up some pictures of the garage sale, unless Claire beats me to it. Which is the GREAT news! Jamie and John and Claire are starting blogs! I am so excited. Blogs are such a better way to communicate than email. It's less stress or guilt, and reading all my friends blogs is one of the highlights of my day. So, I'll add Jamie and John and Claire's blogs to my sidebar. I helped them with their templates, because I like using creative templates instead of the blogger ones (which reminds me, I'm due for a new skin myself). But as I was finishing up the templates this morning, I realized that they look so totally different in Internet Explorer. I HATE internet explorer! Why, Why, Why! Firefox, people, is the way to go. So much better for viewing websites, for security and for tabbed browsing. Download it, give it a try, and you'll never go back. While I'm plugging stuff, Picasa is also a must-have for simple photo-organization and understandable yet complete editing. And everyone should have Skype. I haven't got this one yet, but it's in the works. Then we can all call each other for free. Imagine that. Posted by Picasa

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